My New Home

My New Home
Downtown Seattle - Nighttime

Sunday, May 9, 2010

It Never Gets Old

As Kim and I left for the 4 hour trek from Anchorage to Copper Center where I live, I couldn't help but think I'm most definitely that same 22 year old girl that came out here 3 years ago; camera in hand, being completely amazed and trying to take it all in. I mean, this is ALASKA. Before we left, I was saying something around the lines of how it was kind of sad that AK has kinda been predictable and lost it's charm and it's "normal" to me now. About 10 minutes of out town, it was new all over again, and I ate my words right up. Everything about this beautiful and mysterious land is breathtaking, and whether you like it or not, there's a God and he is great, people.

We only saw a lone porcupine on the drive up, but let me tell you, he was most definitely the mafia boss of the porcupine world and was everything about 30 lbs. Wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley! Couldn't get a picture as he scurried away as we drove past him as if we were the paparazzi stealing a shot.

Got into Copper Center about 9 pm or so. Sun still shining. Lazy lodge sitting there looking like it's ready to have some life back in it. Trying to take it all in that I'm back. Time goes by so fast, you don't realize how much you appreciate the predictability. I know that when I come to Copper, I'll love going to look out for what seems forever of mountains, rivers, trees, even the ugly pipeline. There's this place that's nicknamed "the point" which is pretty accurate as it's a point that you can see the mountains just criss-cross until it looks like a lone distant shadowed bump. I could sit there for hours, Indian style, and just stare and think, it never gets old.

Tomorrow I will start my new job and I'm very excited to see what all I'll be getting to do this year. It's a new set of responsibilities that I'm so anxious to learn and do. Here we go again, folks...

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