My New Home

My New Home
Downtown Seattle - Nighttime

Monday, August 16, 2010

"True Seattlites don't ever carry or use Umbrellas, Krista"

I moved to Seattle on a dreary Saturday afternoon from Anchorage. I was leaving a very comfortable and familiar place in which my professional life was good, and my personal life was fantastic. I loved everything about Alaska and will miss its beauty dearly, but as I have tendency to do, I moved on to the next thing (and city, for that matter) in my life, and hopefully something to call mine for longer than a season.
I feel, for the first time in my professional life, that I'm doing exactly what I want to do, and I'm really, really good at it. Do you know that feeling? It's that feeling you get when you find a $10 bill in your pocket before you wash your jeans. It's the feeling you get when you find out your crush likes you back. It's also the feeling you get when you work really hard for that A you go on your test. It just feels--good.

Everything about Seattle is beautiful. The music on the streets when you're walking downtown. There is this little old man that rolls his piano out every day and plays original tunes for everyone to enjoy. The little random shops and bakeries that live on every street corner. The market is so amazing-there's so many eclectic vendors and the flowers are beautiful; the fish boys love what they do; the artists are in love with the city, and you can see it in their paintings and pictures. I just love it here.

I learned a lot from my boss in my first week...Seattle 101:
1. Seattle people aren't like east coasters for the most part. Of course, they don't want to make eye contact with you, they don't speak to you, and they don't want to hear, "excuse me" when you almost run into them. They just want to get to where they're going, and in a hurry. But they aren't NY-style- blunt or rude, they just don't trust anyone; they believe everyone has an agenda.
1a: My boss told me about when she first moved to Seattle from a Southwestern-like previous hometown. She was in the grocery store and came upon a lady with her cart parked in the middle of the isle while she was crouched down looking at cake mixes. My boss didn't want to touch or move the woman's cart as she had her purse in tow. She finally decided she'd say "excuse me" to the lady. The woman, not moving from her crouching tiger, hidden meanie pose, looked up and said "I'm ALMOST finished!" I was baffled.
**Note to self** Bump into, brush, hit with purse, ANYTHING, but never say "sorry", "excuse me" or "pardon me"'s going to take a little bit of trial and error to get this straight...wonder what will happen the first time a "y'all" flies out of my mouth...I'll keep you posted.
2. People from Seattle do not, I repeat do NOT carry umbrellas. If it rains, they deal with it. If you carry an umbrella, you're considered a tourist (See: Annoying)
3. Seattle women love wearing BLACK!! My mecca! I fit right in. If you know anything about me, you know that I love wearing the following colors: black, grey, white, and more black. Of course, I'll add some red pumps, a colorful scarf, and turquoise jewelry from time to time, but nothing takes me away from my color scheme ;)
4. Public transportation is vital to inhabitants of Seattle. It's not weird or degrading to take the bus. I've sat next to many beautiful people on the bus. I'm sure they not only own and have their house paid off, but most likely have 2 more elsewhere in the world. Everyone reads on the bus. They are very cultured in Seattle and everyone has everything high tech and cool. "I want one of those!" is something I've said here and there ;)
4a: Additionally, about the bus, you never want to be the guy who is a loud talker at 7 am. No one talks to anyone on the bus unless they truly know the person they are sitting next to. And, if in the chance there is a couple of people that are chatty Kathy's, everyone else can't stand it. They look over the books and roll their eyes. It's actually quite entertaining. I stick to reading my Nook, and having music in my ears. I steer clear of intentionally making myself look like an idiot...well, for the most part.

I hope to keep up my adventures from time to time. Wish me luck, I wasn't too good at this whole blogging thing the first time, but I like to keep people up to speed on what I'm up to these days.
Enjoy, my friends.